The Executive Committee of St. Sebastian’s College Model United Nations has the right to dismiss any participant from the conference due to infringement of any regulation stated below. SSCMUN will strictly make obligatory the following code of conduct:

1. It is compulsory that delegates abide by the instructions and advice given by any faculty advisor or any conference staff member. Delegates who do not comply with the directions given will be subjected to suspension or permanent expulsion from the conference given the gravity of the offense.
2. Delegates are not allowed to use laptops, and mobile phones while committee sessions are in order, only during Resolution writing are permitted to use electronic devices. Suppose any delegate is caught using an electronic device to research, thus giving them an unfair advantage during the session. In that case, it will be confiscated till the adjournment of committee sessions and cause the delegate to be suspended from the session for a time decided by the head table.
3. Proven plagiarism and attempts for plagiarism will not be entertained by any chairing panel within the conference, delegates will be penalized strictly if found.
4. Delegates are responsible for their litter. After the adjournment of committee sessions, each delegate must clean his/her area before leaving the committee room even after lunch and caucusing. Individuals will be held responsible for noted vandalism and damage that occurs to their rooms and the property they use. Proper disposals will be available on the school property.
5. Delegates are encouraged to take measures to maintain their hygiene during the 2 days of the conference and to not be subject to any discomfiture of any other delegates around them by your habits and practices. We believe that being clean and proper reflects the strength of a delegate’s personality and hence encourages the same.
6. Cigarettes, alcohol, and illicit drugs are banned on the conference premises at all times. Any delegate caught in possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will be barred from the conference immediately without any further questioning following which necessary legal action will be taken concerning the guilty parties.
7. Delegates will be photographed during committee sessions to maintain records of the conference. No delegate is permitted to leave committee sessions at odd hours to take photographs with one’s peers. If found, the delegate will be penalized for irresponsible behavior.
8. All delegates attending St. Sebastian’s College Model United Nations must adhere to the following dress code. As a common role, delegates must be dressed in Western business attire. Delegates who are not adequately dressed to meet the set standards of the conference will be dismissed from it.
  i. Men and boys must wear a collared button-down shirt that should be tucked in at all times. Ladies may wear a blouse, sweater, or button-down shirt. Dresses are also appropriate if they are not above one’s knee-length.
  ii. Slacks and suit pants are acceptable, preferably in dark colors. Ladies may wear skirts as long as they are knee-length. No jeans or shorts can be worn for the conference.
  iii. Ladies may wear stilettos provided they are comfortably worn the entire day. Open-toe shoes must be professional. Men and boys should wear dress shoes.   iv. Sneakers, sandals, or flip flops (commonly known as slippers) are not permitted to be worn within school premises.
9. Keep hair looking professional at all times; hairstyle should not distract from your overall appearance. Delegates should refrain from dying their hair in artificial colors (i.e. Pink, blue, etc.) in the weeks before the conference. Men are expected to shave before the conference to maintain the decorum that should be maintained at a school conference.
  i. If a delegate has facial piercings that are not for cultural purposes, and not on the ears, please refrain from wearing rings or studs during the conference for a professional appearance. Delegates who have tattoos are urged to wear clothes that cover them during the conference.
  ii. Men are advised against wearing bracelets, friendship bands, and other forms of jewelry that distract them from the professional composure one should have.
10. Delegates are advised to be punctual when it comes to all activities set by the agenda of the conference. Arriving late, constantly being out of place, and being unaware of proceedings will lead to a negative marking of the delegate. A diplomat must work on time.   i. Faculty Advisors and Delegates must be informed that consistency is a key factor that will be taken into consideration when issuing certificates for participants. If a delegate is absent on at least one of the days of the conference he/she will not be eligible for any awards.
  ii. No requests for exceptions will be entertained to maintain fairness in conference administration.
11. Delegates must keep in mind that all conference participants hail from diverse cultures and societies and thus, may have different perspectives of their own. We request that you keep an open mind throughout the conference, appreciate diversity, and show due respect to all other participants in every way possible.
12. Delegates must also keep in mind that the conference takes place in a Catholic school so they should be mindful to safeguard and appreciate the Catholic identity and culture of the school.
13. St. Sebastian’s College Model United Nations will recognize delegates and delegations that perform exceptionally well in every aspect of the conference. But to be acknowledged those delegates and delegations must maintain decorum at all times and be true diplomats by word and deed.
14. Food must not be consumed inside the committee rooms; school canteen will be opened on the two days of conference and lunch will be provided on the relevant times given for each committee.
15. Parking will not be available inside the school premises; only selected vehicles are permitted inside the premises.